Saturday, September 15, 2012

Self Injury As An Addiction

The next topic I want to discuss with this blog is self injury as an addiction. When someone is cutting, burning, purging, etc, they are using it as a coping mechanism. When someone drinks alcohol to become drunk or drugs to get high they are also using that as a coping mechanism. So when we put the two together side by side we can see that self injury can be addiction just like drugs and alcohol. People who cut often describe their cutting as an addiction because they become to used to the feeling that they can't stop. From a personal prospective I agree with that entirely. It can take years of fighting it and yet people still can't stop. It's is something familiar, something they find comfort in, and they simply cannot stop. I look forward to speaking with people about their experiences.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I'm tied up at the moment figuring out what I'm doing but I will get back to you asap!

  2. I'd like to talk to you about my situation and why I'm addicted to selfharm. I can't doit through facebook but maybe email? my email is please email me if you'reinterested. or maybe through aim or something

  3. Thanks! I tried to send an email but it didn't go through. I'll try again later but I wanted to let you know I'm not doing this blog anymore but I am working on my new one on overcoming self injury. I'd still love to include your story even if you haven't overcome it. Your story could help a lot of people. Send an email to and just let me know who you are and we'll set something up. Thank you again, please stay safe!
