Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Living and Coping with Self Harm Scars

Many people who self injure hide their cuts and scars. Scars and cuts are often seen as a weakness or evidence of some flaw. Others however don't go out of their way to change the way they live just to cover something up. When the person is out in public people do sometimes make comments or ask questions while others glare or shake their heads. So one of the most important parts of the life of the average self injurer is the ability to mask their secret. In the summer time it becomes difficult to wear long sleeves but it's the norm in a way for self injurers. I found this video on youtube about living and coping with self harm scars, it was made by a young woman who has some very prominent scars on her arms, face, and neck and she was brave enough to share the pictures during the video. What this girl is doing, is learning to live with it not around it. She offers advice on clothing especially for warm weather but what it's really great about her is that she says you should just live with them and accept yourself. She was offered the chance to have plastic surgery to remove them and she accepted the offer but she makes it clear that she is not ashamed of her scars but they do remind her of bad memories so she wants to at least remove some of the scarring. I really like how she views scars by saying you're still a beautiful person even if you have marks on your body. It's not a sign of weakness to her but a sign that you made it through and the only way to move on past it is to accept yourself for who you are. She is incredibly confident for someone in her case meaning someone with that much scarring. This is something I'd like to touch upon more with the facebook page how does self injury affect confidence and self esteem? In her case, at one point it was bringing her down but she didn't let it. She has more videos related to mental health and self injury if you want to check out her youtube channel.


  1. i cut, i dont like the fact of harming my slef, but its the only way out...I'm in 6 grade, and icut because im bullied. people dont think they hurt u when they bully, but they do... i also cut because im guilty i made bad mistake, i too bully someone and i regret it, she gets bullied by almost the whole school including 7th and 8th grade, i feel so bad i cut, i dont tell anyone not even my pre-school best friend....i hate it buts its the only way out and it feels so good, people ask me what hapened to my arms i just say my cat...i also hate lying, if one person knew by the next day the whole school would kno, i'd be bullied even worse and called, cookie cutter, cutter, cutts...so i dont tell NOONE!!!Because noone knows what it's like....

    1. Bullying is not a good idea on either end. I accomplishes nothing and I know what it feels like to be bullied and to be a bully. My advice on that is to block out your bullies and ease up on the girl you mentioned. Maybe try to give her a smile now and then or talk to her in the hall if you can. And with the cutting believe me there are millions of people who know what it's like and they are available to talk. Try recoveryourlife.com they have chat, distractions, forums, first aid advice. I use it all the time. Don't be afraid of talking to your parents or guardian. They won't understand but they can help you get treatment with people who do. No one will make you stop, they will however help you find ways to cope with it and things to replace cutting with the same feeling. It's possible trust me. I'm on day 8 of quitting and my arms are finally smoothed out. Think of the good things that can come out of this. You are more important than some kids at school. People care for you, I even care for you and I hope you seek help. You can get out of this. An easy way to tell a parent is writing a letter to them and giving them time to read it. Please email me if you like, stay in touch egregorek729@aol.com ps. I'm the author. <3
